"On The
Rebound - Jim McGorman Newsletter"
Issue #11
September 2nd, 2007
Hello Jim McGorman Fans!
Welcome to our eleventh edition of "On The Rebound" - Jim McGorman
Resource Website Newsletter!
The month of August was another busy one for Jim including concert
appearances in Grande Prairie, Texas all part of the 106.1 FM KISS
Party, then it was onto Asia for a number of television appearances and
concerts. End of the month Jim performed on the Teen Choice Awards. In
this issue we'll get you caught up on everything, plus ALOT more!

Update from Jim on a recent collaboration!
I co-wrote a song with a cool, talented new artist on myspace
records (the first artist signed there, actually). Her name is Kate
Voegele. The song is called "It's Only Life" and it looks like her
management is pushing the song to a bunch of TV shows and indie movies
- so look out for that (and please let me know if you hear it). It may
even be one of her singles. It is her most popular download on iTunes
by far.
Thought you might want to check it out! The bridge of the song
is very me (my favorite part). I hope you dig it.
So...Check out the song on Kate's MySpace (it's really good!) and let's keep
Jim posted! Here is the iTunes link.
Newsletter exclusive - "Artists That Inspire Jim"
It's well known to Jim fans that he is truly inspired by many
incredible musical artists from all decades. For our newsletter
subscribers, we are pleased to share a very special graphic we've made
including a few of the many musicial artists that have been influential
in his life as a musician.

(Click on the photo above to view the entire graphic)
Another Newsletter exclusive - New "RETRO" Jim photos!
For our newsletter subscribers, we are pleased to share with you first
some very cool new "retro" photos of Jim from 2001 while he was part of
the Michelle Branch band. Simply click on the photos below to view in
full - Enjoy!

Jim on a flight to Japan with bandmates - 2001
(We trust travel with Avril is business class now :P)

Jim on stage - Japan 2001
New at "On The Rebound!"
Tons of new videos!
We have uploaded a ton of new and "retro" video clips that are bound to
keep you busy and full of enjoyment including the following:
Teen Choice Awards Los Angeles, CA
"I Always Get What I Want" - Hong Kong
"Don't Tell Me" - Hong Kong and Shanghai, China (Acoustic
performance with Avril and Devin)
"I'm With You" - Hong Kong (Acoustic performance with
Avril and Devin)
"All The Small Things" - Shanghai, China
"Girlfriend" - Shanghai, China
"Everything Back But You" Shanghai, China
"When You're Gone" - Music Station - Tokyo, Japan and also
awesome acoustic performance from Mezamashi TV, Japan with Avril and
Video Hightlights - KISS FM 106.1, KISS Party - Grande
Prairie, TX
"Hot" - Carson Daly show - Los Angeles, CA (filmed in
June, aired in August)
"All You Wanted" - MTV TRL, January 2001 w/Michelle Branch
(high quality version of this clip!)
You can find all the clips and past archives on our video
The Sympatico.ca "Live At The Orange Lounge" Series is now

(Click thumbnail to view larger photo!)
Hit It Boys!
The highly anticipated "Live at the Orange Lounge" series is now
available for your viewing pleasure! This is one hell of a fun
performance everyone is having such a great time! Be sure to check out
all the clips including performances of "Girlfriend," "Everything Back
But You," "Hot," and "When You're Gone." You can find all downloadable
clips on our video page.
More blast from the past - Jim collaborated with Matt
Jim collaborated with Matt Nathanson in early 2006 on his album "Some Mad
Hope." Both photos were taken in the House of Blues recording studio,
in Encino, CA during Feb 2006. The caption on the photos below (as
written by Matt) is: "jim mcgorman- he played keys and guitars on
the first 2 recording sessions. he is also responsible for the sexy
background vocals on "car crash." The second photo (as above) has a
funny caption as well (sorry Jim!) "jim assuming the "taking a
leak" stance, while overdubbing an organ part on 'sooner surrender'... "
You can hear "Car Crash" (and Jim's sexy backing vocals) on Matt's
(Click on photos to view in full)

Tons of New Jim captures, screenshots and collages in the Album Gallery!

Jim performing with Avril in Shanghai, China - August 07
(Click photo to view in full)
We are pleased to add three pages of gallery over 75 photos to
our Asia
Summer '07 Tour Album!
Check out our new and fun slideshow!
We all know that Avril is carrying through on her fun pink colored theme during all
advertising and promotion of "The Best Damn Thing!" We got a bit
creative here and made a little Jim themed slideshow for your
enjoyment! Simply click on the link above, allow the file to run and be
sure to have your speakers on for the full experience!
New GIFs!
We can't forget those fun GIFS!
Our page has been updated with a ton of new ones for you including
great moments from "Live At The Orange Lounge." Be sure to check out
our fun "What Does A Guitarist Do When He Is Finished" themed animation
from Mezamashi
TV, Japan
For all the details on upcoming and archived appearances, don't forget
to visit our events page! You will find information about Jim's
upcoming TV, online and other appearances -- also concert dates as they
are officially announced, of course. In September Jim will be
performing at Fashion Rocks in NYC, Canadian Idol in Toronto,
Ontario, Regis and Kelly and much more, so keep checking back for
New Fan Profiles!
Would you like to be one of our feature fan profiles in an upcoming
newsletter? Here's how you can participate! Feel free to fill in the
details below, and send along a photo (optional) to jimnewsletter@sunfired.net.
Your personal fan profile will be posted in an upcoming issue of our
newsletter! We know Jim has many fans from all over the world. Here's
your opportunity to share with fellow Jim supporters how you became a
fan of Jim and his music.
First name:
Interests: (hobbies, music)
I became a fan of Jim and his music when:
If you haven't had the opportunity, come on over and check out the new
Jim poll we just added! Our question circles around how incredibly
diverse Jim's music career is. Do you prefer to see Jim perform as a
solo artist, along with major international talent such as Avril
Lavigne, or leader of Jamestown Ltd.? Weigh in your thoughts and
participate in the new poll!
Thanks to everyone for visiting our ever growing Jim international fan map.
Jim clearly has fans from all corners of the world and we're delighted
to see all the visitors and pins added to the map. If you haven't had a
chance to add a pin, please take a moment and visit!
Thanks for reading our eleventh newsletter and look forward to your
continued participation! Stay tuned to our site as we have lots
more cool features coming this fall! If you have any questions,
comments, suggestions or feedback, please contact us anytime! We look
forward to serving you!
