With Cassadee Pope - 2015
Pandora Women In Country, The Altman
Building, NYC - Oct 14, 2015 -
A video we made from Instagram snippets.
Nobody takes proper camera to concerts anymore :( But this is still
cool, and we can finally hear Jimmy singing!
NBC Today Show - Oct 13 2015 -
A very cool performance of Cassadee's new single Invincible. We only wish Jim had
a chance to sing more.
County Fair, McMinnville, TN -
Sep 17, 2015
- The first one is a piece of Good Times and the second one is highlights from the show (the latter
has excellent sound albeit it's shot from the sky)
Sugar Fest 2015, Clewiston, FL - April 11,
2015 - Wasting
All These Tears. Thanks to Chris Nyholm for this cool
Sugar Fest 2015, Clewiston, FL - April 11,
2015 - The
entire Cinematic.
Very energetic performance. Thanks to Kyle T. on YouTube.
Stagecoach, Indio, CA - April 25,
2015 - A cool
composite video (albeit recorded from the TV screen) from Cassadee's
festival performance.
Anderson County Fair, SC - April 30,
2015 - Highlights
from the show. The sound is a bit dodgy, but the picture is cool and
everyone seems to be having a lot of fun.
May 2015 - Wasting All These Tears.
We had two little movies which we didn't have the heart to
dicsard despite Jim looking the size of an ant . So we put them
togehter. Not half bad, eh?
Bayou Country Superfest 2015 -
Baton Rouge, LA - May 25, 2015
- I Wish I
Could Break Your Heart. Looks like it's shot from China, that's
how far the stage is; but it's kinda cool
and the sound is awesome. You can see Jim here and there on the big
Yuengling Bands and BBQ
Fest - Dayton, OH - May 31, 2015 - Three
Instagram movies, put together. Sorry about the sound on the last
Mid-Morning - Minneapolis, MN - June 02, 2015 - Wasting All These Tears
acoustic. Very good performance. Jim's part starts here.
Summer Festival, Santa Rosa, CA - June 07, 2015 - It's only 30 seconds or so - but totally worth having a
look at: A few bars of Steve's solo on "Hotel California" and Jim's
dreamy vocal on "I Wish I Could Break Your Heart"
Fest, Nashville, TN - June 13, 2015 - Some Jim
and the band highlights from the show. Sorry about the sound on some
parts :(
Fest, Nashville, TN - June 13, 2015 - Hotel California in its entirety.
Fest, Nashville, TN - June 13, 2015 - Parts of
"I Wish..." and "This Car".
Big Barrel Festival , Dover, DE - June 26, 2015
- Hotel
California and Wasting All
These Tears - GREAT sound albeit not so great video, but Jim is
in shot all the time.
Mohegan Sun Wold Den, Uncassville, CT - June
27 - Let Me Go and Invincible - two news songs. Jim in
an out of shot. Some nice backing vocals.
Festival , Randall's
Island, NY - June 28, 2015 - Composite
video with parts of I Wish... and
Wasting... and very
enthusiastic crowd.
107.9 - Phoenix, AZ - July 07, 2015 - Short snippet of "I Wish..." and a bit longer snippet
of "The Edge Of A Thunderstorm" - the latter sounds amazing. |