Christmas interview with Jim
on the spirit of Christmas
What are some of your favorite holiday
A Christmas Story , Christmas Vacation , Scrooged , Elf
K&M: Back in the 1960's
Rankin Bass Television Productions launched those all so
memorable "claymation" Christmas movies. What is your favorite,
"Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer" or "Santa Claus Is
Coming To Town?"
Jim: I always like Rudolph. The classic
underdog story. But my favorites are the Charlie Brown Christmas and Thanksgiving Specials!
K&M: This is a two part
question :) Over the next few weeks you'll be touring with Avril
on a number of holiday radio shows. Any chance you'll be performing
some holiday music? Also in past have you performed any Christmas
songs and if so, which ones?
Jim: Very little chance, although in
Vancouver the other day, Avril had the crowd start singing some
Christmas songs, but nothing with the band. Not really. I just do that
at home.
K&M: Favorite
Christmas carol/song?
Jim: "The Christmas Song" ("Chestnuts Roasting
on an Open Fire") - hands down the greatest.
K&M: Favorite Christmas
Jim: Charlie Brown Christmas - Vince Giraldi.
K&M: Do you open presents on
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
Jim: Mostly Christmas Day, we might do one or
two on Christmas Eve.
K&M: What's your most
memorable Christmas?
Jim: Too hard to say.
K&M: What's the best
Christmas gift you've ever received?
Jim: Maybe a bike when I was a kid? I've gotten
so many great gifts.
K&M: When did you stop
believing in Santa?
Jim: What do you mean? Santa is real, isn't he?
K&M: When you think of
the holiday season, what do you enjoy the most about it?
Jim: Everything. The idea of giving instead of
taking. The lights, the snow, the shopping, the idea that there is
something better around the corner.
K&M: Favorite holiday
food items and/or treats?
Jim: I have a really bad sweet tooth. Love
cookies - fresh baked toll house - mist things with chocolate in them.
I pretty much love most holiday food. Turkey, stuffing, pies, etc. Food
is GOOD!!!
K&M: We know that 2007
has been one incredible year for you touring and working with Avril. At
this stage moving into 2008, what do you see your musical plans shaping
up to be?
Jim: Let me get back to you on that. There are a
few things being talked about now, but I can say that I will definitely
be making music one way or the other!
Christmas - Happy Holidays!