Michelle Branch 2001/2002
Video Clips
All You
Wanted video
TV Shows
Everywhere, Conan O'Brien Show: Pretty
neat. Jim baby is there fear not, rocking out as usual. He
just shows up from 30 secs in the clip onwards.
Everywhere, Pepsi Chart:
A truly amazing and very energetic high quality clip of Jim on the
Pepsi Chart Show with Michelle Branch.
Good Morning America: Another
awesome performance.
Everywhere, Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno
Everywhere, Japan Promo: Performed on two TV shows during the
promo in Japan. Well, Michelle
is lip synching and the band is miming - but, you gotta do
what you gotta do.
Everywhere, Late World w/Zach:
LIVE this time, performed as an outtro to the show.
Good Morning America - Aug '02: Pretty cool cover of the Elvis
classic. Jim on backing vocals, looking really cool.
All You Wanted, MTV TRL:
A very young (not that he is old now!) and energetic Jim.
All You Wanted, Last
Call w/Carson Daly: What does a guitarist
do when he has nothing to do?
All You Wanted, Tonight Show
w/Jay Leno: With Jay looking surprisingly
like Ryan Phillippe. Hmmm... Anyway, very cool performance.
All You Wanted, Kelly and Regis Show:
Sun, sand, palm trees, and The Bahamas, pretty darn cool! Thanks Luke!
All You Wanted, Kelly and Regis Show :
Another cool video with Jim multitasking. And no, he is NOT
picking his nose! Thanks Luke.
All You
Wanted, Late World With Zach: Check out
a 2002 retro video of Jim performing with Michelle
Branch that has never been posted on our site before!
All You
Wanted, Tonight w/ Jay Leno: A pretty amazing
treat! Jim performs (on the grand piano!) a beautiful
acoustic version of "All You Wanted" with Michelle
Branch. A video clip you don't want to miss out on!
All You
Wanted, Live On Fox
All You
Wanted, Rosie
To You, Last Call with Carson Daly
To You, Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno: Another stellar
moment as Jim performs "Goodbye to You" with Michelle Branch on Jay
Leno. Lots of Jim -- both seen and heard throughout the
Rochester NY,
Aug 18, 2002
To You - Michelle "kicks the band off stage" and starts the
song solo - but the band comes back. Thanks Luke!
Everywhere -
Another cool and energetic performance. Thanks Luke!
Tell You About
It - And Jim rocking out on keyboards!!! Thanks
You Wanted - Check out Jim singing, jumping around,
visiting his bandmates and having fun in general. Thanks Luke!
Sweet Misery - there
are obviously some technical difficulties - but still cool. Thanks
You Get
Me - One of Jim's favourite songs.
Thanks Jim! 
for Lifehouse in Las Vegas
Something To Sleep
To, A very rare concert appearance where Jim can be
seen and heard so well!
All You Wanted, Check
out Jim fussing at the beginning. No wonder - is he multitasking
or what: playing guitar, keyboard, singing. rocking
You Set Me Free
Pro Voice Concert - 2002
If Only
She Knew: Features Jim on both
keys and guitar during another classic performance from 2002!
All You
Get What You Give: Parts of the New Radicals' "Get What
You Give"
performed by Michelle and Jim. Jim is on fire and sings all the time;
backing vocals of course and lead from 1 minute into the clip onwards.
He sounds awesome too. Here is
the whole song
- Jim owns it.
Live at
Slims, San Francisco
To You, Here W/ Me and Everywhere.
Check out the end to see Jim blowing kisses to the crowd. Thanks Luke!
All You
Wanted: Jim is hidden at the beginning, but then video
improves, we promise! Thanks Luke!
What You Give: The
whole clip of the cover of The New Radicals'
"Get What
You Give" - you can see Jim on keyboard between the posts, far
(when the camera goes that way) - but he sings all the time.
You Get Me (live)
City Walk, Los Angeles
A piece
of Here With Me,
a funky little number. Jim is playing keyboard, singing, grooving and
generally enjoying himself.
Everywhere : Jim
playing up Michelle during the
bridge. Thanks Luke!
sauntering across the stage after the show. Love the red jeans man!
Thanks Luke!
TV Shows
Everywhere, Interaktiv TV show,
Germany: No, your eyes are not deceiving you. :)
All You Wanted, another Interaktiv
TV show,
Germany: Michelle, Jim and the band are lipsynching their heads
off, but no matter, lots and lots of Jimmy closeups.
Everywhere, GMTV UK - Mar 2002: Many,
great shots of Jim. Unusual angles too. 
Mar 2002: Great shots of Jim rockin' with Michelle during the
Everywhere TOTP UK
Mar 2002: with Michelle Branch
RTL - Mar 2002: with Michelle
Pontiac, MI -
Four short homevideo clips of 4 songs (Everywhere,
I'd Rather Be In Love, You Get Me and Get What You Give) put
together. Notice the last one, must have been fun for Jim to remember
his New Radicals days. Thanks Luke.
Party In The Park, UK -
2002: "Everywhere", Jim (in sunnies)
parts only, edited from the full video which
is on YouTube if you want to see it. Pretty cool performance.
McCormick" Michelle Branch in Trenton, NJ
the Scenes of All You Wanted video shoot